Paper Publication


Authors wishing to be considered for the IOA Research Award must also submit their full paper (using Strabismus guidelines) to the Congress Scientific Program Committee at by Wednesday, May 18, 2020. Be aware this is much earlier than the Journal submission deadline.  

Strabismus is an international peer reviewed Journal. The Journal will be pleased to consider submissions from authors of accepted abstracts to the XIVth IOA Congress.   Deadline for full paper submission is August 15, 2020.

Authors should also be aware the Journal may require additional revisions after their submission deadline that are in line with their editorial policies.

Guidelines on manuscript preparation and submission is provided below.

Manuscript Submission
Manuscript Preparation
Title Page
Main Text
Other Sections 
Acknowledgement and Declaration of Interest
Ethics and Consent
Figures and Illustrations
Additional Information
Statistical notes
Style / Nomenclature
Editorial Policies and Peer Review

Manuscript Submission

All oral papers will be considered for publication in Strabismus. The refereeing process will be led by the editorial board: Dr. Anna O’Connor (chief symposium editor), Linda Colpa, Sue Silveira and Birgit Wahl.

All submissions should be made online at New users should first create an account. Once a user is logged onto the site, submissions should be made via the Author Center (click here for Strabismus Instructions for Authors ) If you experience any additional problems with your submission or with the site, please contact ScholarOne support. In the cover statement or letter with your submission, please state that your work was a 2020 IOA congress presentation.

Strabismus considers all manuscripts on the strict condition that they have been submitted only to Strabismus, that they have not been published already, nor are they under consideration for publication or in press elsewhere.

Manuscript Preparation

Please adhere closely to the submission guidelines. The entire manuscript including abstracts, acknowledgements and references, should not exceed 2500 words for longer scientific reports, and 1500 words for short reports (and a maximum of 3 figures or tables). Please do not exceed these limits, as space is limited. Either type of submission should include an abstract up to 300 words, including in the total word count.

When submitting please select symposium proceedings (as type of submission), when it asks if it’s for a special issue select yes and then type in the box below IOC2020. Also, state in your covering letter that it’s for the IOC2020 special edition.

This is open to anyone who had an abstract accepted for the scientific part of the IOC, even if you didn’t respond to the previous email indicating your interest.


Provide a title page with your submission. This must include the manuscript title and names and affiliations of all authors. Clearly designate the corresponding author and his/her full contact information, including phone number and email address.  Also include a running head of no more than 50 characters and at least 5 keywords that are not in the title.  These keywords will assist indexers in cross-indexing the article.

Main Text

All articles should start with an abstract of no more than 300 words.
The body of original articles should include the following distinct sections:
Introduction: This section should state the background and purpose of the study.
Methods: Please identify the methods, mechanisms, and procedures in sufficient detail to allow others to reproduce the results, and describe statistical methods with enough detail to enable a knowledgeable reader with access to the original data to verify the reported results. Strabismus requires that studies involving animals/humans be approved by an institutional review board, in accordance with approved published guidelines, prior to actually performing the research and publishing the data. This approval should be explicitly stated in the methods section. Please also see the section on Ethics and Consent.
Results: Please present your results concisely and accurately.
Discussion: This should include implications of the findings and their limitations, with reference to other relevant studies and the possibilities these suggest for future research.
Conclusions: Ensure that extrapolations are reasonable and that conclusions are justified by the data presented.

Other Sections

Acknowledgements: see also Acknowledgment and Declaration of Interest section below.  This section details special thanks, personal assistance, and dedications.  Acknowledgements should be included in a separate headed section at the end of the manuscript preceding any appendices, and before the Declaration of Interest section.
Declaration of Interest: see also Ethics and Consent section below for expectations regarding this section. The Declaration of Interest section should disclose any financial, consulting, and personal relationships with other people or organizations that could influence (bias) the author’s work. Within this section also belongs disclosure of scientific writing assistance (use of an agency or freelance writer), grant support and numbers (including NIH/Wellcome-funded papers), and statements of employment.
All declarations of interest must be outlined under the heading “Declaration of Interest” in a section before the references (and, if there is an Acknowledgments section, following that).
References:  Must be in NLM style. For access to these style guidelines, click here. Citation in the text is in accordance with Vancouver, Harvard style. The list of references should appear (numerically, alphabetically by primary author’s last name).
Journal Article:
Mastronarde JG, Weise RA, Shade DM, et al. Sleep quality in asthma:  results of a large prospective clinical trial. J Asthma. 2008 Jun;45(3):173-81.
Newton HB, Malkin MG. Neurological complications of systemic cancer and antineoplastic therapy. 3rd ed. New York:  Informa Healthcare; c2010. 590 p.
Goldstein RE. Esthetics in dentistry. 2nd ed. Vol. 1, Principles, communications, treatment methods. Hamilton (ON): B.C. Decker; c1998. Chapter 13, Composite resin bonding; p. 277-338.
Subbarao M. Tough cases in carotid stenting [DVD]. Woodbury (CT): Cine-Med, Inc.; 2003. 1 DVD: sound, color, 4 3/4 in.
Poole KE, Compston JE. Osteoporosis and its management. BMJ [Internet]. 2006 Dec 16 [cited 2007 Jan 4];333(7581):1251-6. Available from:
Appendices: Please query the editor regarding the possibility of including supplementary material with the article.  All supplementary material should be submitted with the article through Scholar One’s Manuscript Central portal, and clearly labelled “Supplementary Material”.  Ensure that there is reference to the material in the submitted article’s text.
Tables: Lines of data should not be numbered. Tables should be grouped at the end of the manuscript on separate pages. When referring to tables in the text, please use Arabic numbers (rather than Roman numerals).  If the tables are in Microsoft Word format, they can be submitted at the end of the text in the same file as the text.  However, if they are in formats other than Microsoft Word, such as in Excel, the tables should be submitted separately.
Footnotes to tables should be typed directly below the table and be indicated by the following symbols: * (asterisk or star), † (dagger), ‡ (double dagger), ¶ (paragraph mark), § (section mark), || (parallels), # (number sign).
Figures and Illustrations: Illustrations (line drawings, halftones, photos, photomicrographs, etc.) should be submitted as digital files for highest quality reproduction and should follow these guidelines:
  • 300 dpi or higher
  • Sized to fit on journal page
  • EPS, JPG, TIFF, PowerPoint, or PSD format only
  • All illustrations should be submitted as separate files, not embedded in the text
  • Legends or captions for figures should be listed on a separate page, double spaced

For information on submitting animations, movie files, and sound files, or for any additional information including indexes and calendars, please contact the journal directly.
For information on color figure charges, please consult the journal website for full details. 


Additional information
Statistical Notes
All articles reporting on clinical trials should conform to the CONSORT statement.   These studies should contain details of the study population and setting; subject selection (inclusion/exclusion criteria); methods of randomization and blinding; and efficacy and safety measures. The study design and statistical methodology should be described, along with justification for the choice of analysis and sample size given.  Statistical methods used to compare groups for primary outcomes should specify what type of confidence interval was employed, and any additional methods for analyses (subgroup, adjusted) should be reflected as well.   The sample size of each data point should be shown, with p-values and confidence intervals quoted for both significant and non-significant findings.
Notes on Style
Strabismus conforms to the AMA style guidelines, using the NLM style for references.  For general abbreviations and nomenclature, authors should consult the latest edition of the AMA Style Manual, 10th edition.  Authors should write in clear, concise English. Language and grammar should be consistent with Fowler’s English Usage; spelling and meaning of words should conform to Webster’s Dictionary. If English is not your native language, please ensure the manuscript has been reviewed by a native speaker. Please note: extensive rewriting of the text will not be undertaken by the editorial staff.  For editing resources available to authors, please click here.
Specific Notes/Nomenclature
  • All the below are samples
  • Units and Measurement: the Système International (SI) system should be used for all scientific units. Authors can refer to the SI Conversion Calculator to convert conventional units into SI units.
  • When a trademarked pharmaceutical or other product is named in the research, it must be accompanied by the generic name as well.  According to journal style, after first mention, only the generic name should be used.  Do not use proprietary names in article titles or in the abstract.
  • Please do not label people according to their disability or disease.  Instead, use person-first language (persons with diabetes, children with asthma, etc).
  • Latin terminology, including microbiological and species nomenclature, should be italicized.
  • Use standard convention for human and animal genes and proteins: italics for genes and regular font for proteins, and upper case for human products and lower case for animal products.
  • Upper case characters in headings and references should be used sparingly, e.g. only the first word of paper titles, subheadings and any proper nouns begin upper case; similarly for the titles of papers from journals in the references and elsewhere.
  • All acronyms for national agencies, examinations, etc., should be spelled out the first time they are introduced in text or references. Thereafter the acronym can be used if appropriate, e.g. “The work of the Assessment of Performance Unit (APU) in the early 1980s …” and subsequently, “The APU studies of achievement …”, in a reference “(Department of Education and Science [DES] 1989a)”.
  • Numbers in text should take the following forms: 300, 3000, 30 000 (not 30,000). Spell out numbers under 10 unless used with a unit of measure, e.g. nine pupils but 9 mm (do not use full stops (periods) within units). For decimals, use the form 0.05 (not .05, × 05 or 0× 05). “%” (not “per cent”) should be used in typescripts.


Editorial Policies and Peer Review
According to the International Committee on Medical Journal Ethics (ICMJE), an author is defined as one who has made substantial contributions to the conception and development of a manuscript. Informa Healthcare adheres to the ICMJE guidelines which state that “authorship credit should be based on all of the following: 1) substantial contributions to conception and design, acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data; 2) drafting the article or advising it critically for important intellectual content; and 3) final approval of the version to be published”[1]. All other contributors should be listed as acknowledgments.
All submissions are expected to comply with the above definition. Changes to the authorship list after submission will result in a query from the publisher requesting written explanation.
Informa Healthcare adheres to the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines set forth by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). As per these guidelines, failure to adhere to the conditions outlined within will result in the editor and Informa publishing an appropriate correction, a statement of retraction, or enacting a withdrawal of the article. In extreme cases, offending authors may be banned from submitting to Informa Healthcare journals in the future, or reported to their institution’s ethics committee.
Peer Review
All manuscripts will be subjected to confidential peer review by experts in the field and, on the basis of reviewers’ feedback, accepted unconditionally, accepted subject to revision, or rejected.
Trial Registration
The ICMJE requires that “any research project that prospectively assigns human subjects to intervention and comparison groups to study the cause-and-effect relationship between a medical intervention and a health outcome” must be registered before the start of patient enrollment. Trials in which the primary goal is to determine pharmacokinetics are exempt. To be acceptable, a registry must be owned by a non-for-profit entity, be publicly accessible, and contain the twenty fields proposed by the World Health Organization. View a list of acceptable registries on the ICMJE website. For more information on whether your trial needs to be registered, see ICMJE Editorial. It is important to note that the ICMJE requires registration of trial methodology but does not require registration of trial results.
In recognition of these ICMJE requirements, <insert Journal title> requests, as a consideration of publication, that clinical trials are registered in a public repository at their inception and prior to patient enrollment. Trial registration numbers should be included at the end of the abstract and in the article’s Methods section.
Ethics and Consent 
Do not use patients’ names, initials, or hospital numbers, especially in illustrative material. Identifying information should not be published in written descriptions, photographs, and pedigrees unless the information is essential for scientific purposes and the patient (or parent or guardian) gives written informed consent for publication. Informed consent for this purpose requires that the patient be shown the manuscript to be published.
Papers including animal experiments or clinical trials must be conducted with approval by the local animal care or human subject committees, respectively. As outlined by both COPE and ICMJE, all clinical trials should be conducted according to the Declaration of Helsinki.  All manuscripts, except reviews, must include a statement in the abstract and the Methods section that the study was approved by an Investigational Review Board (and/or Animal Care and Use Committee).

Authors are required to sign an agreement for the transfer of copyright to the publisher. All accepted manuscripts, artwork, and photographs become the property of the publisher. A copyright agreement form can be downloaded by corresponding authors of accepted manuscripts with proofs. This should be signed and returned to Informa Healthcare.
Authors are themselves responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce copyright material from other sources. Information on requesting permissions from
Informa Healthcare can be found here.

Acknowledgments and Declaration of Interest Sections
Acknowledgments and declaration of interest sections are different, and each has a specific purpose.  The Acknowledgments section is optional, but the Declaration of Interest section is mandatory for all submissions.  Articles not containing Declaration of Interest sections are considered incomplete and will not be published.
  • Acknowledgments 
The Acknowledgments section is optional.  It details special thanks, personal assistance, and dedications. Contributions from individuals who do not qualify for authorship should also be acknowledged here.  Acknowledgments should be included in a separate headed section at the end of the manuscript before the Declaration of Interest Section.
  • Declaration of Interest
It is the policy of all Informa Healthcare journals to adhere in principle to the Conflict of Interest policy recommended by the ICMJE. All authors must disclose any financial and personal relationships with other people or organizations that could influence (bias) their work. It is the sole responsibility of authors to disclose any affiliation with any organization with a financial interest, direct or indirect, in the subject matter or materials discussed in the manuscript (such as consultancies, employment, paid expert testimony, honoraria, speakers bureaus, retainers, stock options or ownership, patents or patent applications or travel grants) that may affect the conduct or reporting of the work submitted. All sources of funding for reviews are to be explicitly stated. If uncertain as to what might be considered a potential conflict of interest, authors should err on the side of full disclosure.
A Declarations of Interest section should exist in the manuscript preceding submission, and should be stated at the point of submission (within the appropriate field on the journal’s ScholarOne site). Manuscript submission cannot be completed unless a declaration of interest statement is included.  Declaration of Interest statements will be made available to reviewers and will appear in the published article. If any potential conflicts of interest are found to have been withheld following publication, the journal will proceed according to COPE guidance.
The intent of this policy is not to prevent authors with any particular relationship or interest from publishing their work, but rather to adopt transparency such that reviewers, editors, the publisher, and most importantly, readers, can make objective judgements about the conclusions. 

NIH/ Wellcome funded research policy
  • NIH policy:  NIH-funded authors must submit to PMC, or have submitted on their behalf, at the point of acceptance, their peer-reviewed author manuscripts, to appear on PMC no later than 12 months after final publication.
  • Wellcome-Fund Policy:  Wellcome-funded authors must submit to UKPMC, or have submitted on their behalf, at the point of acceptance, their peer-reviewed author manuscripts, to appear on UKPMC no later than 6 months after final publication.
In consideration of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Wellcome Public and Open Access Policies, the Informa Healthcare journals group acknowledges that the broad and open dissemination of NIH/Wellcome-funded research results can benefit future scientific and medical research. 
As part of our author services program, Informa Healthcare will deposit to PubMed Central (PMC) and UK PubMed Central (UKPMC) author manuscripts reporting NIH or Wellcome Trust funded research, on specific request by the author.  Upon this request, Informa Healthcare will deliver to PMC or UKPMC the final peer-reviewed manuscript, which was accepted for publication and that reflects any author-agreed changes made in response to the peer review. We will also authorize the manuscript’s public access posting 12 months (NIH) or 6 months (Wellcome Trust) after initial publication in print or electronic form (whichever is sooner). Following the deposit, authors will receive further communications from the NIH Manuscript Submission System/UK Manuscript Submission System with respect to the submission.
Authors wishing to submit their funded work to PMC/UKPMC themselves are welcome to do so providing they follow the terms stated – submitting only the final peer-reviewed manuscript which was accepted for publication (this manuscript must not be altered by Publisher’s copyediting and typesetting services) and stating the 12 month (NIH) or 6 months (Wellcome Trust) embargo period after final publication.
Please note that authors should not deposit post-print manuscripts directly to PMC/UKPMC or other third party sites for any systematic external distribution by a third party (e.g., to a listserv or database connected to a public access server).

Informa Healthcare makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the “Content”) contained in its publications. However, Informa Healthcare and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness, or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Informa Healthcare.

Production and Proofs
To avoid delays in publication, corrections to proofs must be returned within 48 hours, by email or fax. Authors will be charged for excessive correction at this stage of production. If authors do not return page proofs promptly, the publisher reserves the choice to either delay publication to a subsequent issue or upon advice of the editor to proceed to press without author corrections.
Color figure charges
Any figure submitted as a color original will appear in color in the journal’s online edition free of charge. Print copy color reproduction can be requested, providing that authors bear the associated costs. The charge for the first page of color is $1000, and the next three subsequent pages are $500.  After that, each page of color is $100. There are no charges for non-color pages.
Author PDFs
Each corresponding author will be provided with access to a downloadable PDF file of the final version of their article. Reprints of individual articles are available for order at the time authors review page proofs. A discount on reprints is available to authors who order before print publication. Copies of the journal can be purchased at the author’s preferential rate of $25/£15 per copy here.
Reprints and Open Access
Reprints (any quantity less than 100) of an individual article may be ordered through our partner Rightslink.  A discount on reprint orders is available to authors who order before the stated publication date.  Authors of accepted papers will have the opportunity to purchase offprints (reprint orders placed before the publication date) at proofs stage. 
For reprint orders of a quantity greater than 100, please visit here to contact your local sales representative.

Open Access
Articles in XJournalX are eligible for iOpenAccess. Electing this option allows the article to be made freely available online under a Creative Commons License. The iOpenAccess service requires registration with Rightslink, and payment of a one-time fee of $3250.  Authors of accepted papers will have the opportunity to purchase iOpen Access at proofs stage.  For further information about iOpenAccess, please contact the publisher.  Please note:  This option is separate from Informa Healthcare’s NIH/Wellcome Fund policy.
Sponsored Access
Pharmaceutical/ industry clients have the option to sponsor open access for Informa Healthcare articles.  Please contact the sales team for more information.

[1] Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals: Writing and Editing for Biomedical Publication. Available at: